How to book an appointment
There are a range of options available for making appointments with the Doctor, First Contact Practitioner, Pharmacist, Practice Nurse, Phlebotomist and Social Prescriber.
If you wish to book an appointment you can do this via:
- Telephone 01270 780210 between 08.00am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday and our Reception Team will be happy to help.
- Call into our Reception Desk between 08.00am and 6.30pm Monday to Friday and speak to our Reception Team.
Book using the NHS App via the link below

Book using My GP App
Book using Patient Access
Please note you need to sign up at reception to use Patient Access for the first time. Read more here
Patient Access

This service is available Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.00am and 4.00pm. Outside of these hours please contact the Surgery directly.
Seeing the Doctor may not always be necessary. Please check the Practice Team and their roles to see who can deal with your questions best.
Your appointment
When you request an appointment our Reception Team will ask you for a reason so they can book the correct appointment for you. For example if you have shoulder pain you may be able to see the First Contact Practitioner instead of the Doctor. Also some appointments need more time e.g. a cervical smear with the Practice Nurse requires a 20 minute appointment. Our Reception Team are bound by the same rules of confidentiality as the Clinicians.
Please note if you have a dental problem please contact a Dentist. For an emergency dentist please contact the Cheshire & Merseyside Urgent Dental Helpline on 0161 476 9651. They are open every day including weekends and bank holidays from 9.00am – 9.30pm.
If you need help with your appointment
Please inform the practice if:
- If you would prefer to consult with the Clinician face to face or via a telephone consultation
- If you need an Interpreter
- If you have any other access or communication needs
Cancelling or changing an appointment
We understand that circumstances arise and sometimes you will no longer be able to attend your appointment. Please support the Practice and cancel this appointment as soon as possible in order for us to allocate this to another patient. We are grateful for your ongoing support with this.
There are a number of ways you can cancel you appointment:
- Respond to the appointment reminder text using the option “cancel”
- Telephone the Practice.
- Use the feedback form on the website
Clinical Team Usual Sessions
Dr Marquis – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Dr Saggar – Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Dr Ilesanmi – Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Dr Clarke – Monday
Dr King – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
Daniel Widdowfield – Pharmacist – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday with alternate Wednesday and Fridays
Angela Peters – Advanced Nurse Practitioner – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Debra Mason – Practice Nurse – Thursday and Friday
Nathan Owen – First Contact Practitioner – Tuesday (see below for more information)
Anthony Williams – First Contact Practitioner – Wednesday (see below for more information)
Stephanie Espinoza – Social Prescriber – Wednesdays (see below for more information)
First Contact Practitioners
We are fortunate to be supported by two Advanced Musculoskeletal Practitioners – Nathan Owen (Tuesdays) and Anthony Williams (Wednesdays).
Nathan and Anthony aim to diagnose the cause of your symptoms. They can also provide expert advice on how to manage your symptoms, refer onwards and order scans if required.
More details can be found on this link:
They can see:
- All soft tissue injuries, sprains, strains or
sports injuries - Arthritis
- Problems with muscles, ligaments,
tendons or bones, e.g tennis elbow,
carpal tunnel syndrome, ankle sprains - Spinal problems including lower back,
mid-back and neck pain - Spinal-related pain in arms or legs,
including nerve symptoms, e.g pins
and needles or numbness
Social Prescriber
Our Social Prescriber deals with the non-medical side of your overall wellbeing needs.
The Social Prescriber can:
- Help you find specific support groups, local societies, volunteering or befriending services.
- Support you as a carer and help you access support.
- Support you with housing, employment or financial needs
- Support you if you are feeling lonely or isolated.
A Social Prescriber can listen and find the right support for you.
Extended Hours Appointments
Our Clinical Team offer a range of appointments from 7.30am and after 6.30pm. You can select these when booking your appointment either by telephone or online.
Home Visits
The Home Visiting Teams are very busy and we ask that you attend surgery whenever possible.
If you are too unwell or too immobile to attend, please telephone 01270 780210 before 10:00 Monday to Friday.
Please let us know the nature of the problem so that the Doctor can understand the urgency of the request. Please also ensure we have your up-to-date contact details in case the Doctor wishes to speak with you.
If you have recently been discharged from hospital and need nursing follow-up, you will be seen by the District Nursing team.
Practice Closed for Staff Training 2025-26
Tuesday 4th February | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Wednesday 12th March | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Tuesday 1st April | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Wednesday 14th May | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Tuesday 3rd June | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Wednesday 16th July | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Tuesday 9th September | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Wednesday 8th October | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Tuesday 4th November | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Tuesday 3rd February 2026 | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
Wednesday 11th March 2026 | 1.00 – 6.30pm |
If you need help when we are closed
If you need medical help now, use NHS 111 online or call 111.
NHS 111 online is for people aged 5 and over. Call 111 if you need help for a child under 5.
Call 999 in a medical or mental health emergency. This is when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.