A carer is someone who provides support to family or friends who couldn’t manage without this help.
Anyone can become a carer, and carers come from all walks of life, all cultures and can be any age. Many feel that they’re doing what anyone would do in the same situation, caring for a mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter or best friend, for example. Around 3 in 5 people will be carers at some point in their lives.
Memory Art Club Sessions – Bunbury Village Hall
Time for carers to chat over a coffee or tea, whilst their loved one spends an hour of gently guided art work. A dementia friendly time of reminiscence based painting, collage and conversation. Starting soon at Bunbury Village Hall on Friday afternoons 1.30pm – 2.30pm. £10 each for all materials and refershments. Booked in 4 weekly sessions. Places are limited so please contact jonesalimac@gmail.com
Dementia Friendly Tea & Scone Afternoons at Richmond Village, Willaston
Richmond Villages, Willaston hold free tea and scone afternoons every Saturday 2pm – 4pm. Their community prides itself on being dementia-friendly, ensuring everyone feels included and valued. It is the perfect opportunity to socialise and make new friends in a cosy setting. For more information call 01270 696929.
Dementia Friendly Service – St Mary’s Church, Nantwich
St Mary’s Church are delivering a Dementia friendly service on the following dates:
8th November- from 2pm
13th December – from 2pm
These services are approximately 30 minutes long include a reading and a couple of hymns and prayers in a quiet setting followed by refreshments in the church hall.
Live Well Cheshire East
Cheshire East have a number of resources for adult and young carers. Please visit their website below for further information.
Crossroads Together
Crossroads Together is a specialist charity with 25 years experience that offers the very best service to unpaid carers and the people they care for. Our highly trained staff provide an unsurpassed service that provides care at home for people at any age, enabling them to live as independently as possible in their own homes.
For referrals: Telephone 0333 3231990 followed by option 1 (services) and then option 2 (Cheshire East)
Cheshire East Carers’ Hub
Do you live in Cheshire East and look after someone?
If so, whether they are a child, parent, family member or friend, you could be entitled to emotional, practical and financial support through the Cheshire East Carers Hub service.
We want to understand how you are doing physically and emotionally. If you reach out to us for support we will explore how we can help you in your caring role now and plan for the future.
We will work with you to find solutions and identify support and resources available to you in Cheshire East.
NHS Support for Carers
There is also a wealth of information on the NHS website about carers and caring including assessments, respite breaks, benefits and support for young carers.
Carers UK
Carers UK is a charity that provides expert information, advice and support for unpaid carers of family members or others close to them. Whether you are looking for information on benefits, practical help in your caring role or support in the workplace, their help and advice pages offer detailed guidance.
Cheshire East Care Services Directory
Cheshire East Care Services Directory is your go-to guide for information about care and support services in the region.
Carers Card
Carers can access certain benefits and discounts, information, support and advice that non-carers may not have access to. If you are someone that provides care then it is important you are able to provide proof of this whenever required. This may be at hospital, school, attraction, shop or even in an emergency.

Courses for Carers and Caregivers
“Do you give unpaid care and support to others?
Access a free gift from our lovely friends at the WEA!
Giving care to others is amazing. To say thank you for just being you, the WEA have co-created free online short courses for all unpaid adult carers and caregivers. Giving you the chance to explore new interests either by yourself or with your cared-for adult.
From online visits to stately homes, exploring great works of literature through to arts, crafts and improving your mental wellbeing our courses are designed for carers, by carers. Explore what’s on offer to you today:
Nantwich & Rural Community
Are You a Carer?
If you are a carer then please let the Practice know and we may be able to help you
Bereavement Project
Carers Wellbeing Programme